Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Obama Wins The War but Loses a Tiny Battle...He Will Be President: Hillary Clinton Wins West Virginia's Poor White Racists!

Barack Obama will become the new President of the United States because he is what people (normal people) want. The White Racists who live without electricity and running water in West Virginia and the Republicans on the edges have voted for Hillary Clinton. However, that means nothing...Hillary will lose with educated and diverse people. She will only win with White Racists in rural America because they want to get bent over again and screwed without lube again by Hillary instead of George. Obama will win in the end even against McCain and his Nazi Republican Party. The Mormon Racist (Mitt Romney) will contribute to him losing his election. Mitt Romney comes from the cult called Mormonism that is a racist anti-black Church. Here is what the Racist Zionist Mormon Religion teaches!:
No wonder why minorities in Utah don't win Worker's Compensation Cases and are not hired for good jobs. If you are not Mormon in Utah...you will hit a glass ceiling! Also, African-Americans are considered the children of "Cain" and have been cursed by blackness for the sins of Cain!
Here is what Mormons are really like! No wonder they love the Bush Regime and Israel!!!

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